
自从Xavier暗恋上Gina之后,爱情和亲密关系成为我们一个经常讨论的话题。随着他的青春期的临近,也开始讨论起性和爱的关系。每次讨论,他还是很不好意思的,所以每次讨论的时候,我努力用一种心不在焉闲聊的形式。有一次偶然发现他在搜索”How to make love without parent knowing”,我内心一惊,在“不经意”的情况下,暗示了他安全套在便利店的哪里可以找到。


Soulmate (灵魂伴侣,三观相近,发生深刻的共鸣)
Soulmates connect on a spiritual and romantic level. There’s an ingrained, intense chemistry between them — open communication of deep feelings is completely comfortable for both of them. They readily embrace each other’s flaws.

Mindmates choose each other with great deliberation. Intense intellectual intercourse occurs between them, usually about philosophy, science or great books:- both inspiring their partners into novel and innovative ways of thinking.

Helpmate (协同伴侣,相互协同帮助,伙伴关系)
Helpmates are completely supportive of their partner’s endeavours and ambitions. They will always be ‘there’ for their partners, finding each other very reliable and trustworthy.

Playmate (玩伴侣,一起探索世界,共享兴趣)
Everything is an adventure with this mate, and both playmates feel extreme excitement when around each other; there’s never a dull moment.

Sexmate (性伴侣,一起随着自己原始的脉动而跳跃和舞蹈)
Both sexmates feel strong sexual resonance and the attraction of each other. Be able to accomapny each other to explore universe of their bodies. And feel comfortable with each other’s sexual boundaries.


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